Keep your feathered friends healthy and happy with wild bird food from Lehigh Valley Home & Garden Center. From finches to hummingbirds, we have a home and food selection to satisfy even the most avid birding enthusiast’s needs. Listed below are our most common bird food selections and our assortment of birdhouses. Visit our store to view our entire selection!

Brown’s Wild Bird Food
Wild Bird Food for the novice and experienced hobbyist alike. Brown's blended natural select seeds and grains attract a wide variety of colorful backyard birds all year round, during all seasons.

Shafer Wild Bird Seed
Extra clean seeds are high in energy and have thin shells making it easy for all birds to consume. The favorite seed of most wild birds feeds it to attract the widest variety of Songbirds like Cardinals, Chickadees, Finches, Nuthatches, Woodpeckers, and much more.

Shafer Wild Bird Seed
Attract more Songbirds with Shafer Seed's Nut 'n Fruit wild bird food blend. Nut ‘n Fruit is loaded with a variety of nuts, Sunflower Kernels, raisins, and cherries, which draw more birds than seed-only mixes. It can be fed year-round to attract a variety of special backyard Songbirds. It contains no shell waste, which means the entire content is 100% edible -- feeding more birds for a better value & no mess. Cardinals, Chickadees, Finches, Woodpeckers, Titmice, Nuthatches, and Jays will be frequent visitors to your backyard.

Shafer Wild Bird Seed
20% Sunflower and premium seeds offers the backyard bird enthusiast a moderately-priced food. A great mix to attract those wonderful ground feeding birds great to attract Cardinals, Chickadees, and Finches as well as other native backyard visitors.

Shafer Wild Bird Seed
With no filler ingredients this Premium Blend includes high concentrations of tasty quality seeds preferred by the Songbirds with greater than 40% of the blend being highly-desired Black Oil Sunflower and Sunflower Kernels, your favorite birds.

Shafer Wild Bird Seed
Specially designed this premium, shell-free blend to draw more colorful Songbirds and leave no waste. Great for decks, gardens, patios, and window feeders. Includes Sunflower Chips, Peanut Pieces, Cracked Corn, Tree Nuts, and Pumpkin Seeds attracting perching songbirds.

Shafer Wild Bird Seed
20% Sunflower and premium seeds offers the backyard bird enthusiast a moderately-priced food. A great mix to attract those wonderful ground feeding birds great to attract Cardinals, Chickadees and Finches as well as other native backyard visitors.

House Feeders
This type of feeder protects seeds from weather and bird droppings while attracting finches, jays, cardinals, buntings, and so on. The feeder holds enough seed to last for several days but it is recommended to check the feeder after rain and dispose of any wet feed to prevent bacterial and fungus growth. Squirrels also find this type of feeder very attractive so a squirrel baffle is recommended.

Tube Feeders
Mesh tubes keep the seed clean and dry and will attract small birds such as sparrows, grosbeaks, chickadees, titmice, and finches.

Suet Feeders
Metal cage suet feeders are a simple and easy way to keep wild birds fed without a messy cleanup. The feeders can also be filled with nesting materials during the spring and summer to assist birds in building their homes.

Additional Feeders
It’s hard to list every type of bird feeder we carry so we recommend you visit the store to view our entire selection. We carry squirrel-proof, metal, plastic, and wooden feeders in all shapes, sizes, and styles for every bird and seed type in the area.

Hummingbird Feeders
We carry many different styles and sizes of hummingbird feeders. Decorative glass feeders add a pop of color to your yard while plastic feeders are an attractive and cost-effective alternative. Nectar is easily dispensed into plastic feeders through a top hatch while glass feeders are filled through an opening towards the bottom.